F5 Food Truck


We began as the F5 food truck and now we are the F5 Food Truck Foundation! A Non-profit 501c3 Foundation! We provide meals for our unsheltered brothers and sisters here in OKC. We build solar power, energy and boreholes to provide water and electricity to our brothers and sisters in Africa.

In 2014 God placed it on my heart to get a food truck and use it to feed the homeless. I of course asked a question back to God, are you sure? Cooking was not my lane! I would cook for fun, and even did a bit of small catering jobs, that was the extent of it for me. I told God, “You always give me a vision with no money!” I begin to research the business and trucks! I told God exactly what I wanted in a truck and a friend who knew I was looking for one sent me information about one that was for sale. When I first looked at it I said, I can’t afford that! So I continued to search out less expensive trucks, however; I would always go back to that first truck because it had everything in it that I wanted! Once I decided that was the truck I wanted, I watched as God opened doors and made a way! Within eight months the truck was ours, debt free! One evening standing around talking with friends about the truck and what to call it Brian said F5 and continued talking. That was it! That’s going to be the name I thought. This truck is to be there in a time for others who may be going through rough times, as well as help with disaster relief. And just like that, “The F5” is here to make a difference in our world.

Our Mission

The F5 Food Truck Foundation was founded with a resolve to provide quality meals for those in need while providing basic amenities in communities abroad, as we include and focus on our youth and their education.
A Mission Driven By A Vision!

The F5 is in Africa!

Abam Krom Borehole Project in Ghana is now complete! The F5 will be doing many more things in this area as we continue to support them. Continue to keep us in prayer as we expand or efforts!

Donate Now !


There are over 3,000 homeless people in Oklahoma and over 1,000 of that number are children. Your donation is what helps us feed the homeless. You can help us by donating online or by volunteering with us. All your donations and volunteer time go towards making a difference.